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Skate Juice 3 Promo Video premier

Skate Juice 3 Promo Video premier

Skate Juice 3 Promo Video premier was a fun one! A challenging day for sure...

At the last minute, the original venue backed out, so the Skate Juice crew had to get creative. At last minute solution... we had the premier on the side of the wall here at the SOP warehouse. They hooked up the projector, plugged in the sound system, and it was on! There was an awesome turn out and a big shout out to all who came through. No drama, no knuckleheads trying to ruin it.. just a fun night. A live DJ was warming it up as people were filling in and a live set from Mind De Vision played after the video. Such good vibes all around.

This Promo video was an amazing warm up for the full length video that will be premiering very soon. Details when we have them. Of course we were too busy during the actual premier to get photos of the night, but here's some from last night all the same.

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