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Red Bull 2023 DIY Contest Photos

Red Bull 2023 DIY Contest Photos

Jeff Fowler, Travis Fowler, and the Central Skate Shop team headed out to Minneapolis, MN for the 2023 Red Bull DIY Contest. This year the invited teams had to build their own skatepark using only 24 ice blocks and 2 sheets of plywood. That's it and it's fun to see how creative they got.

Red Bull describes it: "Teams from Des Moines, Kansas City, Omaha, and the Twin Cities were tasked with creating their own skatepark layout using 24 rectangular ice blocks. Each ice block was 40 inches long, 20 inches wide, and 10 inches tall and weighed 300 pounds and could be arranged with the plywood ramps in a variety of skateable setups. The teams then had 3 hours alone in the park to skate their features and film a 60 second edit."

Photographer Alex Sveda joined them and here are some of his shots from the day. Enjoy! 


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